EMC or Electro Magnetic Compatibility is the capability of electrical and electronic equipment to successfully operate within their design electromagnetic environment. The electromagnetic interference (EMI) can be either conducted or radiated but can also be the result of electrostatic discharge (ESD).
The advent of electronic equipment in instrument and control applications has necessitated the need for testing. Microprocessors and circuit clocks create EMI while printed circuit boards with their film strips can form antennas to receive the unwanted signals.
The NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) recognized the concern for nuclear facilities and issued Regulatory Guide 1.180 “Guidelines for Evaluating Electromagnetic and Radio Frequency Interference in Safety Related Instrumentation Systems and Control Systems”. This regulatory guide endorses testing techniques as prescribed in Military Standards 461 and 462 and the IEC 61000 series.
EMC testing helps to ensure electrical instruments and equipment in nuclear facilities meets the required safety standards. This also includes non-safety related equipment.
Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI) has experience supporting equipment EMC testing. Our experienced engineering staff offers a solid understanding of the effects of electromagnetic radiation and conduction. We help assemble test plans, monitor testing and prepare reports.