FERST powered by CHEMCAD makes designing or evaluating relief systems simple and more rigorous while incorporating all the latest methodologies and applicable standards. Key FERST software features include:
Choose from the Comprehensive List of the Latest Methodologies
- System Types: Vapor (tempered), Gassy (non‑tempered), Hybrid (tempered with gas generation), and Non-reactive fire exposure systems (API 520/521, API 2000, OSHA 1910.106, NFPA 30)
- Design Methodologies: Leung-Omega (with the option for ISO 4126-10 omega parameter determination), Fauske Vapor/Gas, and General Screening Equations
- Flow Regime Options: Bubbly, Churn Turbulent, Homogeneous, Vapor Only, Liquid Only
Design New Relief Systems
- Enter information on the vessel, contents, and upset scenario
- Calculates the required size of relief device (rupture disk or pressure relief valve), and provides the allowable pressure losses through the inlet and/or outlet relief piping to ensure proper operation
Evaluate Existing Relief Systems - Statically
- Enter information on the installed relief device and relief piping and choose an upset scenario
- Maximum pressure and temperature the vessel would experience will be calculated
- Determine if the installed relief device will adequately protect the vessel for the upset scenario
Evaluate and Model Existing Relief Systems - Dynamically
- Model the relief event dynamically, using vessels and pipes on a flowsheet
- Simulate the change in vessel contents, physical properties, and system pressure over time
- Multiple options for source terms: specified temperature and/or pressure rise rates, low Φ-factor adiabatic calorimetry, zero-order kinetics (Coming soon), non-reactive fire exposure
- Model a single vessel, or multiple vessels venting simultaneously. Evaluate relief lines and headers shared by vessels to ensure they are sized adequately
Numerous Options for Material Property Evaluation
- Calculate pure chemical properties using DIPPR database with over 2500 chemicals
- Calculate liquid and vapor properties of mixtures
- Rigorously calculate Vapor-Liquid equilibria of a mixture - 40 different thermodynamic models
- Create new chemicals in a user database
- Predict properties for new chemicals or regress experimental data
User-friendly GUI & Technical Support from Industry Experts
- Customizable ribbon interface for easy operation
- Drag and drop flowsheet graphics
Technical Support from Industry Experts