Cable Testing
Fauske & Associates (FAI) offers both on-site cable testing and laboratory material testing of your cables.
Our flagship Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) cable testing tool is LIRA (Line Resonance Analysis). LIRA performs both a global and local assessment of your cable’s performance. The global evaluation provides a complete assessment of the cable’s insulation performance. The LIRA local assessments can locate and localize cable insulation performance (i.e., degradation) issues.
Learn more about LIRA and our other cable testing services below.

Testing Services
LIRA (Line Resonance Analysis)
LIRA performs both a global and local assessment of your cable’s performance. The global evaluation provides a complete assessment of the cable’s insulation performance. The LIRA local assessments can locate and localize cable insulation performance (i.e., degradation) issues.
LIRA features include:
- In-situ cable testing performs local and global cable assessments
- Test all cable sizes from low and medium voltage cables to the high voltage cables used in the transmission and distribution industries
- Accommodates both shielded and unshielded cables (two or more metallic cores)
- Damage-free testing methodology using a very low voltage signal (5 VDC or less)
- Short test time – less than 5 minutes (evaluation can be done elsewhere later)
- Test inaccessible/buried/underground cables
- No need to determinate de-energized connections (breakers open)

Tan Delta
We use the HV Diagnostics Tan Delta test set for on-site evaluations. Tan Delta / Dissipation Factor testing of MV cables is one of the most widely used and effective non-destructive methods of detecting aging and degradation in MV cables.
LIRA (Line Resonance Analysis)
Hipot Test is an abbreviation for "high potential (high voltage) test" and it is also known as Dielectric Withstand Test. A Hipot Test checks for “good isolation.”