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Fauske & Associates Receives Nuclear Decommissioning Award


Fauske & Associates (FAI) received the Technology Innovation/Implementation Award in partnership with the National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) and Sellafield Ltd for work on Magnox Swarf Storage Silo (MSSS) reactive materials. The expertise of the group has vastly improved understanding of the behavior of stored nuclear waste, creating a paradigm shift that will result in an estimated 1 Billion GBP savings.

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Dr. Martin Plys of FAI holds the award with Mick Gornall, WEC Managing Director, UK.


FAI team members, above right, left to right:

James Burelbach, PhD, Ben Doup, PhD, Martin Plys, ScD, Matt Kennedy and Elizabeth Raines

Fauske & Associates (FAI) provides technical expertise and program guidance for the storage, processing and disposal of nuclear, chemical and defense waste and for process and safety analysis to support Decontamination & Decommissioning (D&D) of nuclear and hazardous material facilities.  Our three product areas for waste technology and D&D are (1) Process and safety models and analyses (2) Experimental facilities for hazard quantification and (3) The FAI developed and maintained FATETM software.  FATETM is used for process design and safety evaluations related to waste technology, process engineering and safety and decommissioning and dismantling.  It can consider engineering process components as well as facility design.

For more information, please contact, Dr. Martin Plys at or +1 630 887 5207 .


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