Combustible Dust Testing

Laboratory testing to quantify dust explosion and reactivity hazards

Safety Data Sheets

Develop critical safety data for inclusion in SDS documents

Gas and Vapor

Laboratory testing to quantify explosion hazards for vapor and gas mixtures

Classification of hazardous materials subject to shipping and storage regulations
Testing and consulting on the explosion risks associated with devices and processes which use or produce hydrogen
Safety Data Sheets

Develop critical safety data for inclusion in SDS documents

Thermal Stability

Safe storage or processing requires an understanding of the possible hazards associated with sensitivity to variations in temperature

Adiabatic Calorimetry
Data demonstrate the consequences of process upsets, such as failed equipment or improper procedures, and guide mitigation strategies including Emergency Relief System (ERS) design
Reaction Calorimetry
Data yield heat and gas removal requirements to control the desired process chemistry
Battery Safety

Testing to support safe design of batteries and electrical power backup facilities particularly to satisfy UL9540a ed.4

Safety Data Sheets

Develop critical safety data for inclusion in SDS documents

Cable Testing
Evaluate electrical cables to demonstrate reliability and identify defects or degradation
Equipment Qualification (EQ)
Testing and analysis to ensure that critical equipment will operate under adverse environmental conditions
Water Hammer
Analysis and testing to identify and prevent unwanted hydraulic pressure transients in process piping
Acoustic Vibration
Identify and eliminate potential sources of unwanted vibration in piping and structural systems
Gas & Air Intrusion
Analysis and testing to identify and prevent intrusion of gas or air in piping systems
ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Fauske & Associates fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of Testing

ISO 9001:2015
Fauske & Associates fulfills the requirements of ISO 9001:2015
Dust Hazards Analysis
Evaluate your process to identify combustible dust hazards and perform dust explosion testing
On-Site Risk Management
On-site safety studies can help identify explosibility and chemical reaction hazards so that appropriate testing, simulations, or calculations are identified to support safe scale up
DIERS Methodology
Design emergency pressure relief systems to mitigate the consequences of unwanted chemical reactivity and account for two-phase flow using the right tools and methods
Deflagrations (Dust/Vapor/Gas)

Properly size pressure relief vents to protect your processes from dust, vapor, and gas explosions

Effluent Handling

Pressure relief sizing is just the first step and it is critical to safely handle the effluent discharge from an overpressure event

FATE™ & Facility Modeling

FATE (Facility Flow, Aerosol, Thermal, and Explosion) is a flexible, fast-running code developed and maintained by Fauske and Associates under an ASME NQA-1 compliant QA program.

Mechanical, Piping, and Electrical
Engineering and testing to support safe plant operations and develop solutions to problems in heat transfer, fluid, flow, and electric power systems
Hydrogen Safety
Testing and consulting on the explosion risks associated with devices and processes which use or produce hydrogen
Thermal Hydraulics
Testing and analysis to ensure that critical equipment will operate under adverse environmental conditions
Nuclear Safety
Our Nuclear Services Group is recognized for comprehensive evaluations to help commercial nuclear power plants operate efficiently and stay compliant
Radioactive Waste
Safety analysis to underpin decomissioning process at facilities which have produced or used radioactive nuclear materials
Adiabatic Safety Calorimeters (ARSST and VSP2)

Low thermal inertial adiabatic calorimeters specially designed to provide directly scalable data that are critical to safe process design

Other Lab Equipment and Parts for the DSC/ARC/ARSST/VSP2 Calorimeters

Products and equipment for the process safety or process development laboratory


Software for emergency relief system design to ensure safe processing of reactive chemicals, including consideration of two-phase flow and runaway chemical reactions


Facility modeling software mechanistically tracks transport of heat, gasses, vapors, and aerosols for safety analysis of multi-room facilities


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Sugar and Spice and Everything Combustible Dust: A Resource

Posted by Fauske & Associates on 09.29.15

Just because nothing's happened yet doesn't mean it's not about to. Are you still wondering if you have combustible dust? Still trying to convince upper management something needs to be tested BEFORE OSHA shows up, or worse, an accident occurs?  Here's a sample list of items that can easily explode: 

  • foods - including candy, sugar, spice, starch, flour...Be Ready for Combustible Dust
  • feed
  • grain
  • tobacco
  • plastics
  • wood
  • paper
  • pulp
  • rubber
  • pesticides
  • pharmaceuticals
  • dyes
  • coal
  • metals including aluminum, chromium, iron, magnesium, zinc...

These materials are used in a wide range of industries and processes, such as agriculture, chemical manufacturing, pharmaceutical production, furniture, textiles, fossil fuel power generation, recycling operations, and metal working and processing which includes additive manufacturing and 3D printing. A wide variety of materials that can be explosible in dust form exist in many industries.

According to this helpful Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) Combustible Dust Page:

"Any combustible material can burn rapidly when in a finely divided form. If such a dust is suspended in air in the right concentration, under certain conditions, it can become explosible. Even materials that do not burn in larger pieces (such as aluminum or iron), given the proper conditions, can be explosible in dust form.

The force from such an explosion can cause employee deaths, injuries, and destruction of entire buildings. For example, 3 workers were killed in a 2010 titanium dust explosion in West Virginia, and 14 workers were killed in a 2008 sugar dust explosion in Georgia. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) identified 281 combustible dust incidents between 1980 and 2005 that led to the deaths of 119 workers, injured 718, and extensively damaged numerous industrial facilities."

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Combustible Dust Page is a terrific resource for defining an explosible dust (as "any finite solid particle, that upon ignition, is liable to catch fire or explode when dispersed in air"), identifying risks, and showing how dust explosions happen.  

OH&S Occupational Health & Safety published an article "Combustible Dust Basics: How to Collect a Sample and What Does a Go/No-go Test Mean?" by yours truly in May 2014.  A helpful guide if you are still deciding if you need to be concerned.  (Yes, I googled and this kept coming up!)

So, you may already have a dust collector or are thinking you need one designed and this will solve combustibility issues? Dust explosions are a risk in many areas of a plant, but one of the most common locations is the dust collection system. Yes, many think they have dust combustibility covered simply by HAVING the collection system.  Not even close.  How do you know if your dust collection system complies? First, hire a process engineering firm that offers comprehensive assessment of your existing conditions or venting system. One that can also provide a particle analysis and testing, is a member of National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) and other Authorities Having Jurisdicion (AHJs) affecting your plant is the starting place. Additionally, should be one that can review and analyze your conveying and storage system as well as the overall plant.  Finally, one that can design and supply the specs for suppression and venting systems AND oversee the installation and implementation.  There's the key!  Purchasing and installing systems from a company that only "makes and/or installs" is asking for trouble.  Where's the insurance and reassurance? Pointing fingers when something goes wrong is not wise. Few companies such as Spec Engineering provide this unique comprehensive type of service. Look for one that has you covered from assessment to inspection and everything in between.  

Finally, know your regulations.  Whether in the plant, airborne, shipped, etc., your risks of dust explosivity are great.  Familiarize yourself with all things up-to-date regulations wise. There are three parties, other than stakeholders, that are primarily involved in the combustible dust rulemaking process:

  • Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB)

  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

  • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)

OSHA Issues Guidance on Combustible Dust Hazards Under New HazCom Rule is a good read.  

Powder & Bulk Solids featured an overview of the long awaited NFPA 652 regulation in it's July 2014 issue which includes the importance of Process Hazards Analysis (PHAs) and Hazard Mitigation and Prevention .  

Here is the full NFPA Dust list: 

  • NFPA 61, Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities

  • NFPA 91, Standard for Exhaust Systems for Air Conveying of Vapors, Gases, Mists, and Noncombustible Particulate Solids

  • NFPA 120, Standard for Fire Prevention and Control in Coal Mines

  • NFPA 484, Standard for Combustible Metals

  • NFPA 652, Combustible Dust Standard** (Newest)
  • NFPA 654, Standard for the Prevention of Fire and Dust Explosions from the Manufacturing, Processing, and Handling of Combustible Particulate Solids

  • NFPA 655, Standard for Prevention of Sulfur Fires and Explosions

  • NFPA 664, Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Explosions in Wood

    Processing and Woodworking Facilities

  • NFPA 850, Performance-Based Standard for Fire Protection for Light Water Reactor Electric Generating Plants

A great Power Point resource from the National Grain and Feed Association "Update on OSHA and NFPA Combustible Dust Standards" states:  

"A Lack of a Combustible Dust Standard is not stopping OSHA-

  • The “general duty clause” is Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. 

  • Each employer shall furnish to each of his employees employment and a place of employment which are free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to his employees. 

  • The general duty clause is basically an all-encompassing regulation that OSHA uses if there is a perceived violation that is NOT covered by any other regulation. OSHA uses NFPA standards to justify citations."

The last acronym to know is ASTM International Testing Methods.  This page will take you to all the Dust Tests available to every industry and type of dust to give you an idea of what is available via ASTM Standard Test Methods. Your professional partners can help you to navigate what tests will be needed based on your materials, conditions, equipment, processes and design.  Basic testing is not expensive or daunting.  Just remember, whatever you pay upfront now pales in comparison to any accident. 


Hope this helps.  If you'd like more information, give Dr. Ashok Dastidar a call or email:  630-887-5249,


Combustible Dust Made Easy:  I Have a Dust Collector, What Do I Do? 

 Is My Dust Combustible?






Topics: Combustible Dust


Is My Dust Combustible?

A Flowchart To Help You Decide