Celebrating 40+ Years of Success

Fauske & Associates has been at the forefront of process safety innovation since the early 1980's, building a reputation as technical leaders who solve the toughest safety problems in the chemical and nuclear industries.  Our people have always been our strongest asset and we are proud to celebrate a few of our accomplishments.

FAI staff around 1986
Christmas party 1990 maybe-jpg


  • 1991

    FAI presents DIERS Multi-phase flow methodology.

  • 1992

    Severe Accident Management Guidelines - Technical Basis.

  • 1994

    MAAP4 and MAAP4-VVER released

    Hanford (DOE) Spent Nuclear Fuel Program (SNFP) initiated; FAI was on the review board.

    FAI receives ISO 9001 certification.

    Inaugural issue of FAI Process Safety Newsletter features an article by Jim Burelbach on pool fire experiments, an article by Joe Leung on sizing SRVs for flashing liquids, and new RSST software version 1.9

  • 1995

    FAI introduces the VSP2TM adiabatic calorimeter.

  • 1996

    Polypropylene and Polyvinyl Chloride Simulation Software

    FAI offers Waterhammer Testing to address the requirements of the nuclear regulatory commission (NRC) generic letter GL 96-06.

  • 1998

    MAAP4-CANDU released for use on the Canada Deuterium Uranium pressurized heavy water reactor design.

  • 1999

    Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool (ARSST) is introduced.

    Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project moves first fuel – FAI key contributor.

    Super Magnetic Stirrer.

  • 2000

    Simplified screening methods for vapor, gassy, and hybrid system vent sizing is introduced.


  • 1991

    FAI presents DIERS Multi-phase flow methodology.

  • 1992

    Severe Accident Management Guidelines - Technical Basis.

  • 1994

    MAAP4 and MAAP4-VVER released

    Hanford (DOE) Spent Nuclear Fuel Program (SNFP) initiated; FAI was on the review board.

    FAI receives ISO 9001 certification.

    Inaugural issue of FAI Process Safety Newsletter features an article by Jim Burelbach on pool fire experiments, an article by Joe Leung on sizing SRVs for flashing liquids, and new RSST software version 1.9

  • 1995

    FAI introduces the VSP2TM adiabatic calorimeter.

  • 1996

    Polypropylene and Polyvinyl Chloride Simulation Software

    FAI offers Waterhammer Testing to address the requirements of the nuclear regulatory commission (NRC) generic letter GL 96-06.

  • 1998

    MAAP4-CANDU released for use on the Canada Deuterium Uranium pressurized heavy water reactor design.

    Two-Phase Venting ERS Design Software (VSSP) released.

    Direct Containment Heating (severe accident simulation) experiments conducted.

    MARS (Modular Accident Response System) is first introduced to monitor and predict nuclear power plant response to abnormal or accident conditions.

  • 1999

    Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool (ARSST) is introduced.

    Hanford Spent Nuclear Fuel Project moves first fuel – FAI key contributor.

    Super Magnetic Stirrer.

  • 2000

    Simplified screening methods for vapor, gassy, and hybrid system vent sizing is introduced.


  • 2001

    Deflagration Venting Methodology is released

    The HANSF safety software earns a Department of Energy (DOE) Technology Innovation Award for Hanford applications related to the Spent Nuclear Fuels Project.
  • 2003

    First MAAP installation in a nuclear power plant simulator to model severe accidents.

  • 2004

    FATETM 2.0 facility modeling software released

    FATETM 2.0 facility modeling software released (previously HANSF), developed, and maintained under our NQA-1 compliant quality program.

    Air Intrusion experiments completed to address commercial nuclear plant concerns.

  • 2005

    FATE software used for Savannah River MOX plant

  • 2006

    VSP2 Software Version 4.3

    FAI offers closed cell ARSST option for fast screening tests with pressure generation.

  • 2007

    CE certification granted for ARSST and VSP2 adiabatic safety calorimeters

    Dedication of a comprehensive Dust Explosion and Department of Transportation Testing Laboratory.

    CE certification granted for ARSST and VSP2 adiabatic safety calorimeters. This certification recognizes these instruments meet the EU standards for health, safety, and environmental protection.

  • 2008

    MAAP 5.0 release

    FATE software used for fire analysis of Oskarshamn-1.

  • 2009

    Dedication of new and comprehensive Flammability Testing Laboratory.

  • 2010

    FAI receives ISO 17025 accreditation

    FAI receives ISO 17025 accreditation to indicate that ISO and IEC's laboratory management system standard has been met.

    Practical Emergency Vent Sizing Software (PrEVent) is released.


  • 2011

    The Onsite Safety Services (OSS) Group is formed

    The Onsite Safety Services (OSS) Group is formed to provide clients with expertise for dust hazard analysis and process safety assessments, including consulting to address a wide variety of safety and compliance issues.

    First Commercial loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) test conducted at FAI for DBA (Design Basis Accident) Test Facility in support of commercial nuclear plant equipment qualification (EQ).

    Toshiba's Fukushima "War Room" response includes FAI staff who provide technical leadership in designing a new ion exchange system to clean up contaminated water.

  • 2012

    Secure Level B Laboratory Facility opened

    FATE software used for design and safety analysis to remediate Hanford fuel particulate.
  • 2013

    Dedication of the new Thermal Hydraulics Testing Facility

    Dedication of new state-of-the-art Combustible Dust Hazards Testing Lab and Education Center opened.

  • 2014

    New Reaction Calorimetry and Thermal Hazards Testing Laboratory

    Dedication of new Reaction Calorimetry and Thermal Hazards Testing Laboratory to develop data for the desired and the adverse reactions to support fire-sizing and emergency relief system calculations.

    MAAP 5.03 release includes post-Fukushima modifications.

    Innovative Dual-bore Hydrogen Vent Design invented and proven by experiments to maintain safe hydrogen levels in Self Shielded Boxes (SSBs) of hazardous waste at the UK Sellafield site.

  • 2015

    Long-term cable aging experiment is conducted to improve electrical safety.

    MAAP-CANDU Graphical Animation Package Extension (GRAPE) is released, providing an interactive visualization tool for severe accident management.

  • 2016

    Named as a recipient of a prestigious NDA Supply Chain Award NDA Supply Chain Award Certificate 2016

    Named as a recipient of a prestigious NDA (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) Supply Chain Award for technical work underpinning an estimated $1.3 billion in savings at the UK Sellafield site.

  • 2017

    Testing and analysis to support accelerated removal of nuclear waste at Sellafield

  • 2019

    Radioactive source term transport and release calculations

    Provided radioactive source term transport and release calculations (Leak Path Factors) supporting the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for a new medical isotope facility.
  • 2020

    FERST is released

    Flammability testing confirmed expanded metal mesh device technology could prevent deflagration to detonation transitions (DDT).

    Fauske Emergency Relief System Tool (FERST powered by CHEMCAD) is released.

    Published a groundbreaking journal article illustrating the use of the FAI FATETM safety software to predict airborne virus transport within a facility.


  • 2022

    FAI receives Westinghouse award

    FAI receives Westinghouse award for innovative hydrogen venting design in support of Fukushima decommissioning