Agriculture Industry

FAI offers comprehensive services for characterizing, preventing and mitigating fires and explosions due to combustible dust.

Agriculture Low Res

Some of our recent agricultural industry services include:

Testing Support
  • Develop a cost effective test strategy to characterize material handled at a grain handling facility
  • Perform dust explosion testing to determine moisture content, particle size, explosion severity, sensitivity to ignition and minimum explosion concentration
Hazard Assessment
  • Conduct an on-site dust hazard assessment based on applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards
Risk Assessment
  • Identify and prioritize high risk situations and worked with the customer to develop appropriate and cost effective protection strategies
Safety Program Improvement
  • Recommend improvements to existing programs for housekeeping, electrical area classification, management of change (MOC), preventative maintenance and training 

Some examples of grain dust explosions in the US include:

Inland Grain Terminal, St. Joseph, MO, April 1980

  • Killed 1 person
  • Injured 4
  • $ 2 M
  • Electric arc from damaged level indicator in one of the silos. Explosion traveled through head house to other silos

River Grain Terminal, St. Paul, MN, June 1980

  • No fatalities
  • 13 injured
  • $300K
  • Electrician working on live electrical while loading operations were taking place
  • Explosion traveled along tunnel to head house and then to bucket elevators and on into other tunnels

Train-Loading Country Grain Terminal, Fonda, IA, July 1980

  • No fatalities or injuries
  • $ 30K
  • Electrical welding on a bucket elevator. Hot work as ignition source. Traveled to other bucket elevators.

Large Export Grain Silo Plant, Corpus Christi, TX, April 1981

  • 9 killed
  • 30 injured
  • $30 M
  • Smoldering lumps of grain entering bucket elevator.
  • Propagated to other elevators – head house – tunnels – silos and conveyers

OSHA 29CFR 1910.272 in 1987 

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