Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI) utilizes Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRA) to gauge the probability of risk by using calculations to determine the potential, probability and possible severity of unwanted phenomena occurring in a nuclear power plant. FAI has developed extensive capabilities and experience in performance of NRC classified Level II risk analysis specifically focused on the potential for accidents that could release radioactivity from the facility.
FAI can assist facilities with a risk informed analysis to comply with NRC regulatory requirements for reactor, materials and waste applications to minimize the potential for events that could adversely affect the public.
In addition to the initial Individual Plant Examination (IPE) activity, FAI has supported IPE updates, including improvements to success criteria, the expansion of IPEs to plant specific PRAs, the assessment of Large Early Release Frequencies (LERF) and the review and modification of PRAs due to power uprates and/or plant modifications.
FAI has performed a number of key experiments to expand the understanding of severe accidents related to:
The extensive Level II work performed by FAI is indicative of both a strong knowledge base and a high-quality organization. Both in-house experiments and knowledge of experiments performed elsewhere have provided the FAI staff with an in-depth understanding of the broad technical basis developed for accident analyses including those focused on severe accident phenomena. This understanding is communicated through phenomenological position papers and these become part of the living documentation. These, coupled with a staff of experienced scientists and engineers with hands-on nuclear power plant experience, identifies FAI as the ideal choice for performing or assisting in Level II risk analysis.