Combustible Dust Testing

Laboratory testing to quantify dust explosion and reactivity hazards

Safety Data Sheets

Develop critical safety data for inclusion in SDS documents

Gas and Vapor

Laboratory testing to quantify explosion hazards for vapor and gas mixtures

Classification of hazardous materials subject to shipping and storage regulations
Testing and consulting on the explosion risks associated with devices and processes which use or produce hydrogen
Safety Data Sheets

Develop critical safety data for inclusion in SDS documents

Thermal Stability

Safe storage or processing requires an understanding of the possible hazards associated with sensitivity to variations in temperature

Adiabatic Calorimetry
Data demonstrate the consequences of process upsets, such as failed equipment or improper procedures, and guide mitigation strategies including Emergency Relief System (ERS) design
Reaction Calorimetry
Data yield heat and gas removal requirements to control the desired process chemistry
Battery Safety

Testing to support safe design of batteries and electrical power backup facilities particularly to satisfy UL9540a ed.4

Safety Data Sheets

Develop critical safety data for inclusion in SDS documents

Cable Testing
Evaluate electrical cables to demonstrate reliability and identify defects or degradation
Equipment Qualification (EQ)
Testing and analysis to ensure that critical equipment will operate under adverse environmental conditions
Water Hammer
Analysis and testing to identify and prevent unwanted hydraulic pressure transients in process piping
Acoustic Vibration
Identify and eliminate potential sources of unwanted vibration in piping and structural systems
Gas & Air Intrusion
Analysis and testing to identify and prevent intrusion of gas or air in piping systems
ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Fauske & Associates fulfills the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in the field of Testing

ISO 9001:2015
Fauske & Associates fulfills the requirements of ISO 9001:2015
Dust Hazards Analysis
Evaluate your process to identify combustible dust hazards and perform dust explosion testing
On-Site Risk Management
On-site safety studies can help identify explosibility and chemical reaction hazards so that appropriate testing, simulations, or calculations are identified to support safe scale up
DIERS Methodology
Design emergency pressure relief systems to mitigate the consequences of unwanted chemical reactivity and account for two-phase flow using the right tools and methods
Deflagrations (Dust/Vapor/Gas)

Properly size pressure relief vents to protect your processes from dust, vapor, and gas explosions

Effluent Handling

Pressure relief sizing is just the first step and it is critical to safely handle the effluent discharge from an overpressure event

FATE™ & Facility Modeling

FATE (Facility Flow, Aerosol, Thermal, and Explosion) is a flexible, fast-running code developed and maintained by Fauske and Associates under an ASME NQA-1 compliant QA program.

Mechanical, Piping, and Electrical
Engineering and testing to support safe plant operations and develop solutions to problems in heat transfer, fluid, flow, and electric power systems
Hydrogen Safety
Testing and consulting on the explosion risks associated with devices and processes which use or produce hydrogen
Thermal Hydraulics
Testing and analysis to ensure that critical equipment will operate under adverse environmental conditions
Nuclear Safety
Our Nuclear Services Group is recognized for comprehensive evaluations to help commercial nuclear power plants operate efficiently and stay compliant
Radioactive Waste
Safety analysis to underpin decomissioning process at facilities which have produced or used radioactive nuclear materials
Adiabatic Safety Calorimeters (ARSST and VSP2)

Low thermal inertial adiabatic calorimeters specially designed to provide directly scalable data that are critical to safe process design

Other Lab Equipment and Parts for the DSC/ARC/ARSST/VSP2 Calorimeters

Products and equipment for the process safety or process development laboratory


Software for emergency relief system design to ensure safe processing of reactive chemicals, including consideration of two-phase flow and runaway chemical reactions


Facility modeling software mechanistically tracks transport of heat, gasses, vapors, and aerosols for safety analysis of multi-room facilities


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Assessing the Risk of Overlooking a Process Safety Culture

Posted by Fauske & Associates on 05.31.18

By Sara Peters, Fauske & Associates, LLC


safety culture

Over the years, much has been written regarding an employee’s role or responsibility in a company safety program and the influences of safety on the company’s bottom line. The notion of establishing a safety culture within an organization is thrown around in a frequent manner, but what does this really mean?

Wikipedia has defined safety culture as, “The attitude, beliefs, perceptions and values that employees share in relation to safety in the workplace.” The theory, one that has been reaffirmed in multiple articles including this article detailing an example from Alcoa, is that if you make safety the primary goal of the organization and the collaborative responsibility of all who work there, then the organization will be better positioned to thrive in other areas. This is of critical importance because not only do employees benefit from a company that is profitable and well regarded, but ultimately employees and, sometimes even the customers and community have the most to lose when safety is set aside.

Think of a stop sign. The premise is solid – drivers take turns moving through the intersection safely, one at a time. The importance of this is drummed into your head when you learn how to drive. Great process in theory, until you get the driver who feels they don’t need to stop completely, or at all. The result, a process failure due to the actions of the driver who rolled through or drove through their stop sign off turn, therefore putting all the other drivers at unnecessary risk.

This thought seems to be further validated in the class-action lawsuit filed in November 2017 by Anadarko Petroleum Corporation shareholders. The suit cites former employees claiming that the energy supplier “put profits over safety,” resulting in a deadly gas well explosion that nearly leveled a home in Firestone, CO as detailed further in a May Denver Post article, "Former Anadarko Employees Say Safety Sacrificed for Profits in Run Up to Fatal Home Explosion."

According to the article: “The lawsuit alleges that Anadarko paid only “lip service” to safety concerns and slashed money for community relations, safety and remediation after the price of oil fell beginning in the fall of 2014.” This resulted in the customers in this case becoming the losers in the safety game, paying the ultimate price with their lives for an apparent safety fail and culture change on Anadarko’s part.

Now both companies referenced, Alcoa and Anadarko, are large enough that they have obligations to implement certain safety processes required by OSHA and other authorities having jurisdiction, but neglecting to make safety a priority in both instances was a hole in the process that put them at unnecessary risk. Because safety wasn’t at the forefront of the employer or employee’s minds, profit was, accidents occurred that not only affected the company, but the community as well.

Safety no accident

OSHA places great weight on the impact management leadership and employee participation has on safety and health programs. In the “10 Ways to Get Your Program Started” section of OSHA’s “Recommended Practices for Safety and Health Programs” they suggest the following simple steps to build a collaborative plan:

1) Establish safety and health as a core value. Tell your workers that making sure they finish the day and go home safely is the way you do business. Assure them that you will work with them to find and fix any hazards that could injure them or make them sick.

2) Lead by example. Practice safe behaviors yourself and make safety part of your daily conversations with workers.

3) Implement a reporting system. Develop and communicate a simple procedure for workers to report any injuries, illnesses, incidents (including near misses/close calls), hazards, or safety and health concerns, without fear of retaliation. Include an option for reporting hazards or concerns anonymously.

4) Provide training... Train workers on how to identify and control hazards in the workplace, as well as report injuries, illnesses, and near misses.

5) Conduct inspections. Inspect the workplace with workers and ask them to identify any activity, piece of equipment, or materials that concern them. Use checklists to help identify problems.

6) Collect hazard control ideas. Ask workers for ideas on improvements and follow up on their suggestions. Provide them time during work hours, if necessary, to research solutions.

7) Implement hazard controls. Assign workers the task of choosing, implementing, and evaluating the solutions they come up with.

8) Address emergencies. Identify foreseeable emergency scenarios and develop instructions on what to do in each case. Meet to discuss these procedures and post them in a visible location in the workplace.

9) Seek input on workplace changes. Before making significant changes to the workplace, work organization, equipment, or materials, consult with workers to identify potential safety or health issues.

10) Make improvements. Set aside a regular time to discuss safety and health issues, with the goal of identifying ways to improve the program.

Additionally, OSHA’s "Safety Pays" page provides some helpful tools and calculators to illustrate the cost of safety and its effects on your company’s bottom line.

At the end of it all, you can have the best process safety plan on paper, but if your management and staff do not subscribe to a safety first philosophy, then that plan is destined to eventually fail. When that happens, work stoppage, property damage, brand reputation corruption and worse yet, litigation and death can follow. Is it worth the risk?

To discuss or for more information regarding chemical process process and plant safety testing, engineering and consulting, contact us at or 630-323-8750.

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