By Technical Lead Benjamin C. Doup, PhD and Chief Technology Officer Ken Kurko
Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI) has updated its emergency relief sizing tools with FERST software powered by CHEMCAD. FERST is the complete package combining the practical and easy-to-use interface and calculation methods from FAI’s PrEVentTM (Practical Emergency Vent Sizing) software, the direct use of temperature rise rates from low Φ-factor calorimetry data from FAI’s VSDS (Vent Sizing Dynamic Simulation) software and the material property, thermodynamic, and software development expertise from ChemstationsTM.
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Benefits Provided by FERST Powered by CHEMCAD:
GUI functionality improvements
- File handling
- Report of results
- Customizable plotting capability
- Flow sheet schematic for dynamic simulations
+ Allows the user to visualize connections between vessels and piping
Access to Chemstations technical support
- FAI will provide 2nd level support
Materials properties
- Maintain the ability to use user-specified material properties
- Each license comes with a license to the DIPPR database
- Access to pure component properties for 2557 components
- 40 different thermodynamic models
- Rigorous mixing models give bulk properties of mixtures
Design relief systems
- Leung-Omega and Fauske all-vapor/gas methods for:
+ Vapor (tempered) systems
+ Gassy (non-tempered) systems
+ Hybrid (tempered with gas generation) systems
+ Non-reactive fire exposure systems
- Built in sanity check using the Fauske screening method
+ Only need to input kinetic data correctly to perform an accurate check
- Leung-Omega method improvements
+ Omega definition options include:
- Leung’s most recent definition
- ISO 4126-10
- CHEMCAD flash calculation
+ A single set of equations for vapor, hybrid, and gassy system mass flux calculations
+ Ability to calculate flow for all-liquid subcooled flow
- Fauske all-vapor/gas method improvements
+ Ability to modify the isentropic coefficient for mass flux calculations
Rate relief systems using a static approach
- Input vent area and calculate the expected peak pressure
- Leung-Omega method for:
+ Vapor (tempered) systems
+ Gassy (non-tempered) systems
+ Hybrid (tempered with gas generation) systems
+ Non-reactive fire exposure systems
- Pipe pressure loss evaluations for:
+ Inlet and outlet piping of relief valve and a single relief line
Rate relief systems using a dynamic approach
- Build typical CHEMCAD flow sheet using vessels, pipes, and nodes
- Model change in material properties as function of venting time
- Source terms
+ Read in low Φ-factor adiabatic calorimetry
+ Zero-order kinetics
+ Non-reactive fire exposure
- Model multiple vessels venting simultaneously
- Pipe pressure loss evaluations for:
+ Inlet and outlet piping of relief valve, relief lines and headers
FERST Powered by CHEMCAD - A Staged Approach to ERS Design