Please enjoy this latest issue of Process Safety News! FAI is proud to be celebrating our 40th anniversary this year, and we look forward to many exciting things on the horizon.
In This Issue:
Letter From The President
Fate Modeling and Aerosol Transport using FATE Safety Software
Can Lessons Learned from Nuclear Power Plant Safety Testing Help Solve a National Water Crisis?
Don't Get Burned by Battery Fires, Test to New UL 9540A Standard
Flammability Testing at FAI (Video)
Schedule to Preform a Dust Hazards Analysis (DHA) During the Worldwide Shutdown
Process Safety Scale-Up Aspects of an Epichlorohydrin Hydrolysis Reaction - Part 2 - Heat Rate Scale-Up Calculations from Reaction Calorimetry Data
VSP2 Pressure Transducer Calibration & Maintenance Guide