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Severe Accident Simulators and MAAP Implementation: Nuclear Safety

Since the events at Fukushima, there has been increased interest toPWR RCS Coolant Loop View expand current simulator capability to address severe accidents. The Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP), an Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) owned and licensed computer software, was developed to simulate and study severe accidents. MAAP is an integral code simulating both containment and primary system during severe accidents. Fauske & Associates, LLC (FAI) has been under contract to improve MAAP models related to BWR primary system, lower plenum, instrument tubes, molten core concrete interaction and others in order to better follow the severe accident at Fukushima.

Simulators can be expanded to cover severe accidents by implementing the MAAP code into the existing simulator. This implementation using MAAP4 was done for Krsko in Slovenia and Ulchin in Korea. MAAP5 was implemented for Daya Bay in China and Kori in Korea.

MAAP5 PWR code can be a good thermal hydraulic engine for PC based simulator for severe accident training.

According to Chan Young Paik, PhD, Vice President of Methods Development for FAI : "The MAAP5 PWR code is the latest generation of MAAP implementing new models to calculate forced and natural circulation inside a reactor coolant system (RCS) with more detailed nodalization, point kinetic and 1-D neutronics models, features to address details of new advanced reactor designs such as AP1000 and EPR, and improved containment models."

"Improvements were also made to include a steam header model with detailed steam dump logic so that the code can calculate initial RCS and steam generator responses after a reactor scram," continues Dr. Paik.  "In addition, MAAP5 has improved models for shutdown states such as modeling nozzle dams in the RCS loops, mid-loop operation, and reactor head open with the vessel submerged under the refueling water pool."

MAAP5 code can also calculate the ANS-3-5 transients required for simulators. These transients include a manual reactor trip, simultaneous trips of feed water pumps, simultaneous closure of all MSIVs, trip of any single reactor coolant pump (RCP), loss of coolant accidents, main steam line break, maximum power ramp, and maximum design load rejection.

For more information regarding severe accident design engineering, MAAP and nuclear safety topics, please contact:  AnnMarie Fauske,, 630-887-5213.

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