Arc Bombs, Swissi Crucibles, Software, Test Cells, Oh My! Safety Tools

Arc bombs industrial safety hazard management
Arc bombs and calorimeter equipment and consumables sold in FAI’s Store

Fauske & Associates (FAI) invented technology to safely scale -up from the lab to production scale. This technology is commercialized as the Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool (ARSSTTM) and the Vent Sizing Package 2 ( VSP2TM). In addition to manufacturing test instruments, FAI provides a wide range of consumables for other test apparatus, including ARC bombs, SWISSI DSC crucibles and more.   

FAI also creates software to test and prevent severe accident conditions as part of our comprehensive engineering safety arsenal. See our list below of FATETM, MAAP5 (Modular Accident Analysis Program), PREVENT (Practical Emergency Vent Sizing Software), MARS (Modular Accident Response System) and other process safety, nuclear and industrial safety and hazard management tools. 

VSP2 calorimeter industrial safety hazard management Swissi DSC Crucible industrial safety hazard management VSP2 industrial safety hazard management
FAI tech building a VSP2 calorimeter Swissi-DSC-crucible FAI tech building a heater
assembly for the VSP2


Adiabatic Calorimetry & Relief System Design


VSP2 industrial safety hazard management

Adiabatic calorimeter testing provides data for relief system design, safe scale-up of chemical processes, and changes to process recipes.  Safe process design requires knowledge of chemical reaction rates, character and energy release - all of which can be obtained from a low phi-factor adiabatic calorimeter such as the VSP2TM (Vent Sizing Package 2) or ARSSTTM (Advanced Reactive System Screening Tool).


The VSP2 TM  and the ARSSTTM  provide thermal data required for safe scale-up of chemical processes and changes to process recipes. A variety of process upset conditions can be tested to quantify hazards identified by a PHA or HAZOP study. The low phi-factor (or thermal inertia) allows the heat and gas generation rates to be measured and directly applied to the process scale, which leads to appropriately designed emergency relief systems.

Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP) Version 4 (EPRI owned and licensed computer software)


The Modular Accident Analysis Program (MAAP) Version 4 - an Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) owned and licensed computer software - is a fast-running computer code that simulates the response of light water and heavy water moderated nuclear power plants for both current and Advanced Light Water Reactor (ALWR) designs.  It can simulate Loss-Of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) and non-LOCA transients for Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) applications as well as severe accident sequences, including actions taken as part of the Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMGs).  There are several parallel versions of MAAP4 for BWRs, PWRs, CANDU designs, FUGEN design and the Russian VVER PWR design. 

Originally developed by Fauske & Associates, (FAI) as part of the Industry Degraded Core Rulemaking (IDCOR) program, FAI has developed and maintained the code under the sponsorship of (EPRI) and the MAAP Users Group (MUG).  MAAP4 and its predecessor, MAAP3B, have been used by the nuclear industry throughout the world for more than two decades as an engineering tool to support PRA and severe accident analysis.


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