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Fauske & Henry: On Vapor/Steam Explosion Analysis

As seen in the August 2017 issue of Nuclear News, Copyright © 2017 by the American Nuclear Society

Recently, Director of American Nuclear Society's (ANS) Department of Scientific Publications and Standards Rick Fauske & Henry Interview Nuclear NewsMichal sat down with Drs. Hans Fauske and Robert Henry, authors of "Experimental Technical Bases for Evaluating Vapor/Steam Explosions in Nuclear Reactor Safety", a new book published by the ANS. His interview can be seen in the August 2017 issue of Nuclear News

Vapor/steam explosions are important considerations for a nuclear safety assessment and to prevent severe accidents where a high temperature molten mass could contact a liquid coolant. It is essential that these potential accident conditions are evaluated in a manner consistent with the available experimental technical bases. This book provides a common reference for the extensive experimental data base that has been accumulated due to the substantial works of industrial, national, and university laboratories throughout the world, to help all studies include the total experimental data base as well as that which directly relates to the molten materials and coolant of interest. In addition, it provides a common reference so that such evaluations can either reference this book, or consult the references given within to find the sources where further details can be obtained when needed. Lastly, the measured energy releases for key experiments are compared with straightforward bounding calculations that can be used to facilitate discussions between reactor designers, utilities, and regulatory agencies.

Drs Fauske and Henry would like to recognize the efforts of the American Nuclear Society Book Review Committee and its members for their comments and advice. The book can be purchased at ANS here: or Amazon.

The entire 5 page interview is here.  For more information, contact AnnMarie Fauske at 630-887 5213