We have a wealth of information pertaining to reactive chemical hazards, nuclear and chemical process safety engineering and testing. With over 40 years of industry expertise, we have developed numerous content pieces, from white papers to videos, to help answer your safety-related questions. We hope you find this information useful!
You've been tasked with overseeing potential dust hazards at your plant and/or you need to be read...
Ryan Vanston, Manager, Technology Development Group II System & Risk Applications, Westinghouse El...
James P. Burelbach, PhD, Fauske & Associates
BWR reactor similar to Fukushima Daiichi Unit 1 (Aerial view of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear site i...
"Communication that stimulates emotion will bring about more behavior change than communication th...
Does your nuclear engineering, testing and consulting firm provide technical expertise and program g...
As seen in the August 2017 issue of Nuclear News, Copyright © 2017 by the American Nuclear Society
By: Matthew Kennedy, Nuclear Engineer & Dr. Sung Jin Lee, Sr. Consulting Engineer, Fauske & Associ...
Wondering if your facility may have combustible dust? In some cases, less than 1/4 inch layer of dus...
The NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has project management responsibil...
By: AnnMarie Fauske, Customer Outreach & Digital Media Manager, Fauske & Associates, LLC
By: Jaehyok Lim, Ph. D., Nuclear Engineer, Basar Ozar, Ph. D., Nuclear Engineer and Sung Jin Lee, Ph...
By: James P. Burelbach, PhD, Director, Systems Modeling, Fauske & Associates, LLC
By Nick Karancevic, Sr. Nuclear Engineer, Fauske & Associates, LLC
By Bob Apthorpe, Senior Nuclear Engineer, Fauske & Associates, LLC