Are Your On-Site Safety (OSS) Services Up to Snuff?

Do you work with an objective, outside process safety engineering firm offering a complete range of on-site safety and risk management services to help you understand and address hazards that pose risk to your process facility and ensure compliance with relevant national, local and industry standards? Here's just some of what should be on your list of services:

On-site_Services_Walk_Through1. Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) Explosion and Fire Hazard Evaluation

  • Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA)
  • Dust Management Program Development
  • Equipment Hazard Evaluation
  • Training

2. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)

  • Facilitate, Revalidate, Re-do PHAs
  • Audit/Review PHAs
  • Process, Equipment, Management of Change (MOC)

3. Hazard Identification / Risk Analysis

4. Consequence Analysis

  • Fire and Explosion Hazards
  • Vessel Overpressure Scenarios
  • Chemical Reactivity Hazards
  • Chemical Releases
  • Vapor Cloud Dispersion

5. Safety Program Development

  • Develop or Review Process Safety Programs
  • Support Kilo Lab, Pilot Plant, Medium Scale and Commercial Scale Plants
  • Auditing, Reporting, Documentation
  • Identify and Prioritize Safety Gaps
  • Consulting for Management of Change (MOC) Impact

6. DHA Facilitation Method

  • Hands-on training for your facility’s team to perform DHA’s with corrective actions, developed by team concensus, with the help of a trained facilitator
  • Assess your combustible dust process by working as a team using a “what if /checklist” approach
  • Actionable items to comply with NFPA standards with organized structure provided at the end of the visit


Here's the plan:  Collect relevant data, conduct a facility walk-through, start a hazard evaluation, determine risk assessment, devise and implement hazard mitigation plans.

Outside eyes, ears, equipment, expertise and testing will provide you with next level process safety improvement methods and standards. On-site process safety and risk management services not only mitigate risks, they can also lay the foundation for regulation and improvement programs you can respond to as well as plan for in advance.












































and Commercial Scale Plants

  • Auditing, Reporting, Documentation
  • Identify and Prioritize Safety Gaps
  • Consulting for Management of Change (MOC) Impact