A common question that comes into our dust testing lab is, “How should I ship my sample?”
As a res...
We have a wealth of information pertaining to reactive chemical hazards, nuclear and chemical process safety engineering and testing. With over 40 years of industry expertise, we have developed numerous content pieces, from white papers to videos, to help answer your safety-related questions. We hope you find this information useful!
A common question that comes into our dust testing lab is, “How should I ship my sample?”
As a res...
Written by Ashok Dastidar, PhD, Fellow Engineer, VP Dust & Flammability Testing & Consulting, Fauske...
Please enjoy this latest issue of Process Safety News! FAI is proud to be celebrating our 40th ann...
Enjoy our new format with articles:
Read up on the latest in chemical, thermal hazards and relief system design as well as combustible...
Read up on the latest in risk based inspection, chemical process, thermal hazards and relief syst...
A SIMPLE REAL TWO-PHASE FLOW CORRELATIONBy: Hans K. Fauske, D.Sc., Regent Advisor, Fauske & Assoc...
Do you work with an objective, outside process safety engineering firm offering a complete range o...
Do you have the electrical engineering expertise to help you understand and address electrical arc...
You've been tasked with overseeing potential dust hazards at your plant and/or you need to be read...
Dust explosion is never something you think you need to worry about - but have you had your dust tes...
1 Cubic Meter Chamber at Fauske & Associates, LLC - 1 of very few in the United States |
By Rachelle Andreasen, Dust Project Manager, Fauske & Associates, LLC
Wondering if your facility may have combustible dust? In some cases, less than 1/4 inch layer of dus...
Adiabatic Calorimetry Combustible Dust Hazards Gas & Vapor FlammabilityReaction CalorimetryThermal S...
Combustible dust hazards are common in industry and gained additional exposure due to the OSHA Combu...
Combustible dust hazards exist in virtually every industry from foods, pharmaceuticals, metals, wood...
Combustible Dust Hazard Analysis (DHA) testing options in the 20L chamber - The collected sample has...
It's a highly searched set of words on the internet: "OSHA Combustible Dust Standard..." But, it doe...
The NRC's Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards (NMSS) has project management responsibil...
By: Tim Cullina, MS. PE, Senior Safety and Environmental Consulting Engineer, Fauske & Associates, L...
By: Ursula Malczewski, Chemical Engineer – Onsite Safety Services, Fauske & Associates, LLC
A quick look at Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)'s website can tell you this: in ...
Customer inquiry inspired us to develop the Combustible Dust Flowchart to help guide the decision-m...
By Zach Hachmeister, Director of Operations, Fauske & Associates, LLC
Close Encounters of the AHJ Kind: Combustible Dust and the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), Par...
Biomass energy is a suggested rep...
Layer Ignition Test (LIT)